Tuesday 7 October 2014

Gym Equipment - The Best Exercise Machines

Cardiovascular exercises are essential parts of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Even if you are going to the gym purely for muscle-building purposes, you can still benefit from cardio exercises. It is therefore advisable for you to make use of the different cardio machines along with other gym equipment. Here are some of the best and most common cardio machines found in the gym.

Treadmills -

These are probably one of the oldest and the most popular cardio exercise machines of all time. They are very easy to use and allow you to work your cardio muscles in different levels of intensity. To maximize the use of a treadmill, your heart rate has to be elevated while walking or running on it. And try not to hold on to the handrail while you're at it.

Elliptical -

This machine has also grown in popularity in recent years. It provides a great cardio workout while being less stressful on your knees and hips. It is the machine of choice for people with bad knees as well as those who are currently recovering from an injury because it saves you from the pounding you normally get when using a treadmill.

Stationary Bike -

Also one of the most common cardio machines found at the gym, the stationary bike offers low-impact workouts that are perfect for those who are suffering from joint problems. There are even recumbent bikes that work very well for people with back problems.

Weight lifting is also good exercise, even for those who have no bodybuilding aspirations and only wish to shed some excess pounds. It is therefore good to familiarize yourself with the different weight machines found in the gym and take advantage of them from time to time.

Leg Press Machine -

This is said to provide you with the best machine leg exercise. Most types of this machine are set on a 45-degree angle. It allows you to lift weights without fear of slipping, and it subjects your back and knees to significantly less stress than squats.

Lat Pull-down Machine -

This machine involves an exercise that is similar to the chin-up. Many exercisers believe that doing chin-ups are a lot better than exercising with this machine. However, it is a great alternative for people whose backs are not yet strong enough to effectively lift their body weight.

Cables and Pulleys -

This is among the most common exercise machines found in any gym. It is usually made up of a weight stack connected to a cable with bars or handles at the end. What's good about this machine is that it allows you to perform exercises that work your entire body.

These are just some of the best and most common pieces of gym equipment that you can take advantage of to promote overall fitness and health. To maximize the results of your regular workout routines, be sure to combine the use of both cardio and weight lifting machines at the gym. After all, more than losing weight or building more muscle mass, your ultimate goal should be overall physical fitness, health, and well-being.

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